by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
In this article, we are posting about something to think about! It is targeting project management professionals, investors, and angel investors. In this post, we are trying to describe the current investing scene (or lack of) in project management solutions. If you...
by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
In today’s post, we want to invite you to become part of the journey in making project management a critical domain for ALL industries. Also, our aim is to set project management skills essential for business success. Therefore, we ask the question: how can YOU...
by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Finally, we have achieved a major milestone. It is an achievement, but it is only a stepping stone on the journey of project management excellence. The news today is that, with the help of WeFunder, we have submitted our plan for an equity-based crowdfunding campaign...
by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
We have published a poll on LinkedIn asking this question: “When you hear the term ‘traditional project management,’ what do you think is the meaning of ‘traditional’?” Here the result of the poll It is clear from the result, although only 107 votes, that a majority...
by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
I have posted the image on LinkedIn with a short message. As a result, we are getting many views and reactions. Therefore, we think it is worth sharing with our readers here. I do not want to re-create the discussions here, so why not view the discussion on LinkedIn?...
by mounirajam | Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Most of us who work on projects and project management understand that a project has a project life cycle; some like to call project life span. The project life cycle indicates starting and ending points. Further, the PMBOK(r) Guide defines the project as “temporary,”...