Finally, we have achieved a major milestone. It is an achievement, but it is only a stepping stone on the journey of project management excellence. The news today is that, with the help of WeFunder, we have submitted our plan for an equity-based crowdfunding campaign with the US Government, and we are ready to roll. The private campaign for equity-crowdfunding for the Uruk Platform starts now.
The Uruk Platform Crowdfunding Campaign
With this step, we are cleared to start the fundraising campaign. However, the fundraising campaign will be in two phases. Phase 1, which is NOW open for investors, is restricted to colleagues, family, friends, and network members. Phase 2 will be open to the general public and start on 5 February 2021.
The funding is for SUKAD Corp to continue developing the Uruk Platform, the engine of project success. For more information on the Uruk Platform, please check the various articles on this blog site. You can also check this video playlist.
Equity-Based Crowdfunding
For those who are not familiar with equity-based crowdfunding, we need to stress that:
- It is open to all – anyone can invest.
- It is an investment – not a donation for a reward. Your reward would be equity (shares) in SUKAD Corp. Your ultimate reward is when we exist or go public, where your investment should grow significantly over what you invested.
How Startup Funding Works?
The image below (source is on the image) shows how startup investment works. Further, we highlighted on the image the stage we are currently at. In other words, we are looking to work with two groups:
- The first group is the general public, anyone who is interested in project management or investing. As mentioned earlier, this is called the Family and Friends round, but it is also open to colleagues and network members.
- The second group would be Angel (Accredited) Investors. If you are in this category and would like an opportunity for a one-on-one discussion, please schedule a meeting via Calendly.

Call to Action
Within the next few days and weeks, we will provide more information. Also, we will announce online discussions to answer your questions. In the meantime, you can access the campaign page via this link. The campaign page includes answers to many questions, but do not hesitate to reach out if you need more information.
The post How Startup Funding Work? The Uruk Platform Campaign appeared first on Applied Project Management.